Damian Lillard Responds To Fan Backlash Following Chauncey Billups Hire

Published June 26, 2021 at 12:58
A large portion of the Trail Blazers' fan base was less than pleased following the decision by the franchise to hire Chauncey Billups as the Blazers' next head coach. Not much has been said about Billups' coaching ability, but questions have been raised about his contentious past. Billups, accused of rape in 1997, settled the matter out of court and no criminal charges were ever brought against him. One Twitter user spoke out, placing Lillard at fault for the organizations' new hire:

Lillard claims he was unaware of Billups' past, and clearly denounced the alleged former activities of his new coach. While none of Billups' previous employers have made statements on these allegations, it seems that this backlash might be large enough to provoke a response from Neil Olshey and Jody Allen.
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