Ben Simmons Gets Clowned Hard All Over Twitter After a Very Poor Series

Published June 21, 2021 at 6:49
After a rough series against the Atlanta Hawks, Ben Simmons has received harsh criticism around the league. Another failed season for Philadelphia, who were the number one seed, has people wondering if Simmons can lead this team to a championship in the future.

Due to his poor performances, the internet began to aggressively troll him.

There has been a running joke on every player who underperformed during the playoffs that they deserve to be demoted to the CBA. This Simmons one probably went too far!

Here is a funny impersonation video depicting Simmons' late-game debacle where he passed up on an open layup:

This one had to be the worse:

After Game 7, Shaquille O'Neal shared his opinion about Simmons on Inside the NBA. He had this to say:

This one:

This has been a popular video that shows up every time a player plays bad:

Yes, this is exactly how it feels right now. Poor Simmons:

It's very sad seeing all these anti-Simmons Tweets, but even Simmons stated that he deserves all the criticism he's been getting.

In all seriousness, Simmons might not be the secondary star next to Joel Embiid to help this team win a championship. Even Doc Rivers doesn't really believe in it. The Sixers will definitely place Simmons on the trade market this offseason and will aggressively look for a deal.
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